
A blog filled with admiration and curiosity for fashion. A place where I mix knowledge with my personal drawings, inspiration, and interpretation.

Festive footwear: Party shoes for the holiday season

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When November ends, the first holiday lights dress the winter darkness in a romantic light, and the smell of baked goods surrounds us, it’s time to style our most special pieces. While we want to be comfortable during the holiday season so that chocolate, cheese, and booze an be welcomed – we also want to dress the part. And this means accessories and party shoes.

So what separates a party shoe from our other shoes? They can easily make an outfits highlight. Meaning, they can be worn with knitwear and jeans as well as with all black outfits. While everyday shoes, even heels, are made of some kind of leather, party shoes are a true playground of material. We find velvet, satin, bouclé, sparkles, and sequined next to an extended variety of leather. Leather is glossy or colorful. And once we find a pair that is comfortable, we have a reliable piece all festive season long.